Dansa med hästar

"There are all sorts of tact in the equestrian field; that of the hand, that of the legs, that of the seat, and, quite simply, the tact of the head. The talented rider who is tactful will reward the slightest indication of obedience on the part of his horse, who will then respond calmly, confidently and pleasurably to any further demand. The true horseman should put into practise these words of Captain Beudant's: 'Ask for much, be content with little and reward often.' A horse will never tire of a rider who possesses both tact and sensitivity because he will never be pushed beyond his possibilities."
-Nuno Oliveira, Reflections on Equestrian Art

Det spelar ingen roll om du rider en PRE i dyra kläder eller en ponny i -30 grader, dansa kan du om du respekterar din häst.

Postat av: Johanna

Så sant så

2012-02-04 @ 14:43:00
URL: http://walkyria.blogg.se/
Postat av: Linn

Helt sant!

2012-02-04 @ 16:06:28
URL: http://linnenjohanna.blogg.se/
Postat av: Alma-Lena

Ja, men det är en kul kontrast mellan Nuno Oliveira och Linnea i vintermundering på lilla Chateau.

2012-02-04 @ 16:27:53
URL: http://barockbloggen.blogg.se/
Postat av: Jessica

Så sant =) Tack filmtipset, ska se om jag hittar den någonstans =)

2012-02-04 @ 19:04:44
URL: http://jezzans.blogg.se/
Postat av: Angelica

Underbara kontraster! Haha, skitfint! Å. Håller helt med!

2012-02-05 @ 21:41:09
URL: http://tonusblogg.blogspot.com/

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